Republican super PAC attacks Salas in new ad

Republicans are heating up the attack in the south Valley in what is expected to be one of the tightest races in the nation.

With under two months to go until the general election, a Republican-backed super PAC is launching a number of advertisements across the country. 

The Congressional Leadership Fund (CLF), endorsed by House Republican Leadership, is targeting 11 battleground districts, including some in California. 

The big picture: Two of the new advertisements are in California, including one in the 22nd district, where Rep. David Valadao (R–Hanford) is running against former Asm. Rudy Salas (D–Bakersfield). 

  • The advertisement hits Salas for voting to raise taxes during his time in Sacramento. 
  • The other advertisement in California comes in southern California in District 41, where Rep. Ken Calvert (R–Corona) is running against Will Rollins. 

What they’re saying: “Democrats’ far-left agenda has triggered an illegal immigration crisis, let crime run wild, and made everyday life unaffordable. And not only will Democrats not accept responsibility, they want even more power,” said CLF Communications Director Courtney Parella. “This November, voters face a clear choice: restore sanity and economic strength or double down on Washington Democrats and their out-of-touch priorities.” 

Watch: Watch the ad here: 

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