Hurtado voices support for Prop 47 reform

The Bakersfield Democrat is breaking from her party to push for higher penalties for crime.

Sen. Melissa Hurtado (D–Bakersfield) is siding with Republicans in supporting the rollback of Proposition 47. 

Hurtado told KBAK that she supports Proposition 36, the measure that repeals much of Proposition 47 and adds mandatory drug treatment programs. 

The backstory: California voters passed Proposition 47 in 2014, which reclassified certain crimes from felonies to misdemeanors if the value of the crime did not exceed $950. 

  • After a decade of high retail crime in California, opponents of Proposition 47 have successfully placed Proposition 36 on the November ballot. 
  • Proposition 36 would increase penalties for certain drug crimes and add fentanyl to the list of drugs that would bring a felony charge. It would also increase sentences for theft based on the value of the property stolen, among other penalties. 

What she’s saying: “I think Prop 36 is needed,” Hurtado told KBAK. “It is long overdue.” 

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