Radanovich’s experience, proven ability are why he’s best choice for Assembly

Former Rep. George Radanovich built a reputation of getting things done in Washington. Voters should give him the same chance to do so in Sacramento, write former Asm. Frank Bigelow and Fresno County Supervisor Debbie Poochigian.

Sun View Op-Ed Contributed by Asm. Frank Bigelow and Fresno County Supervisor Debbie Poochigian (Ret.)

Sacramento is the political big leagues, a place run by wily special interest lobbyists and cunning, liberal politicians who know how to work the system.  Inexperienced candidates who go to Sacramento to “learn on the job” quickly get run over at the rough and tumble State Capitol.

That’s why the choice for voters in the 8th Assembly District is so clear. On the one hand, there is a 28 year-old county staffer and political activist for last year’s Measure E tax increase, running in his very first campaign for office.

Then there is conservative Republican George Radanovich. At the urging of many local leaders, former constituents and friends, George Radanovich agreed to return to public life and take his experience, wisdom and proven ability to the State Assembly. That’s good news for all of us.

George’s family started their small business here in 1955 and 31 years later, George started one of the first locally owned wineries. He served as a member of the Mariposa County Board of Supervisors before being elected to Congress, where he became a leader among Republicans and an effective advocate for California’s agricultural and resources communities and hard-working taxpayers. He was the first winemaker to serve in Congress since Thomas Jefferson!

George’s reputation for getting things done led his Republican colleagues to choose him as Chairman of the Water and Power Subcommittee, Chairman of the Western Caucus, and Co-Chair of the Water Caucus.

In 2010, with his late wife Ethie seriously ill, George voluntarily stepped away from Congress to care for her and spend time raising their son.  He went on to serve as President of the California Fresh Fruit Association and Chairman of the Board of his family’s small business.

The Governor and the majority liberals in the Legislature continue to abuse taxpayers, damage California’s economy and put our public safety at risk. We need a representative in the Assembly with the proven ability to fight for our families, our jobs and our way of life. We need George Radanovich.

Frank Bigelow is a former member of the California State Assembly (2012-2022) and Madera County Board of Supervisors.

Debbie Poochigian is a former member of the Fresno County Board of Supervisors (2008-2016).

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