Internal Poll: Villapudua holds double-digit lead in Stockton-area Assembly race

According to the internal polling by Villapudua’s campaign, the ex-San Joaquin County Supervisor has plenty of ground to win.

Former San Joaquin County Supervisor Carlos Villapudua is polling well ahead of the upcoming election, a new internal poll from his campaign shows.

In the March primary, Villapudua beat out fellow Democrat, and current county supervisor, Kathy Miller to take the top spot, 35.9 percent compared to 31.9 percent, a difference of about 3,000 votes. 

Miller currently represents the Second Supervisorial District, fully contained within the city of Stockton. 

According to the internal polling by Villapudua’s campaign, the ex-Supervisor has plenty of ground to win.

The poll, conducted by Action Solutions, surveyed 383 voters in District 13 and found that Villapudua has a 15 percent lead over Miller. 

If the election were held today, Villapudua leads 25 percent to 10 percent with 35 percent of voters undecided. The margin of error on the poll was not immediately available.

According to Villapudua’s campaign, Miller’s decision to switch from no party preference to Democrat before she filed to run has led to 64.87 percent of voters to be less likely to vote for her. 

The poll also reported that nearly 60 percent of women and more than 60 percent of Democrats would be more likely to vote for Villapudua when told that he was supported by teachers. 

Villapudua is endorsed by the California Teachers Association, the statewide teacher’s union.

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