Fresno Chamber of Commerce Endorses Jim Costa For Congress

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and Fresno Chamber endorsed Congressman Jim Costa touting his “true independent leadership in his role as chair of the House Blue Dog Coalition.”

The Fresno Chamber of Commerce is endorsing incumbent Democrat Jim Costa for California’s 16 Congressional District seat.

“We’re thrilled to endorse his campaign once again to return to Washington to continue serving our Valley, serving the Fresno community, fighting for the things that are important for business, continually fighting for transportation, fighting for water, fighting for all the things that really make our economy go,”

said Fresno Chamber President/Chief Executive Nathan Ahle at a news conference on Monday.

The Nov. 6 general election is just three weeks away. The political turmoil in our nation’s capital has turned just about every House seat across America into a battleground. The leadership at the Fresno Chamber of Commerce is prudently bi-partisan. Next up – a news conference today, Tuesday October 16th, to announce the Chamber’s endorsement of incumbent Republican David Valadao for the 21st Congressional District seat.

Back to Monday’s event at Chamber headquarters in Downtown Fresno. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce also is endorsing Costa. Ken Johnson, the U.S. Chamber’s executive director of congressional and public affairs, was there.

“Our goal is simple – it is to help grow the economy and create jobs,”

Johnson said.

“Congressman Costa has been a true ally in this effort to create opportunity and growth. He has shown true independent leadership in his role as chair of the House Blue Dog Coalition and has represented well the views of his constituents as ranking member of the livestock and foreign agriculture subcommittees. Additionally, the Congressman has (made) efforts to strengthen the economy by working to increase access to responsible home and business loans in the Valley, working with the Problem-Solvers Caucus to address our nation’s infrastructure issues and emphasizing the need to maintain good trade relationships with foreign allies. Washington needs bi-partisan leaders like Jim Costa to help us solve some of our major issues, and he has shown that he is truly up to the challenge.”

Costa looked in fighting trim, having recently lost 35 pounds. He thanked the U.S. Chamber and the Fresno Chamber for their support.

“It means a great deal to me, but I think more importantly it’s a reflection of the partnership that we have in Washington, D.C. and the partnership that we have here in our Valley,”

Costa said.

Locally, Costa said,

“We all know each other on a first name basis. We’ve worked together for many years on a host of challenges facing our Valley, from investing in our infrastructure, water and transportation (to) focusing on challenging issues of trade and immigration. This Chamber and I have worked together for many years, both from my days in Sacramento as a state legislator and here today. We all know each other.”

Costa noted that he and the Fresno Chamber have worked together on many projects of benefit to the region, among them transportation infrastructure. The nation’s infrastructure is a priority for the Trump Administration.

“President Trump’s efforts to put together an infrastructure package is on the right track,”

Costa said.

“We need to do more work on that. I hope that the next Congress can do that, so that the Federal government can play a meaningful role in state and local governments in terms of what we’re doing here.”

Costa concluded his brief remarks with a promise to work hard to maintain and improve foreign trade opportunities for America’s businesses. His commitment was music to the ears of local agribusiness interests, which send their products to markets throughout the world.

“At the end of the day I’m so proud of this Chamber,”

Costa said.

“I’ve worked with them. I’ve worked with the Madera Chamber of Commerce and Merced. All of these folks reflect the spirit of entrepreneurship.”

Costa added:

“I am honored by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s endorsement. I am honored by the Fresno Chamber of Commerce’s endorsement and the partnership that we’ve had over the years.”

Costa is running against Republican Elizabeth Heng. It figures to be a competitive race.

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