DOJ files anti-trust suit to break-up Ticketmaster, Live Nation

The live events giant faces allegations that it is teetering on monopoly status, necessitating a suit from Federal prosecutors to separate the firm.

The US Justice Department has filed a lawsuit against Live Nation, parent company of Ticketmaster, alleging that it has violated anti-trust laws and harmed consumers.

Driving the news: The lawsuit claims that Live Nation exercises outsize control over the live events industry and has engaged in practices that harm artists, fans, venues, and startups seeking to break into the business.


  • Live Nation is accused of managing over 400 musical artists, controlling 60% of concert promotions at major venues, and exercising control over roughly 80% of major concert venues’ ticketing through Ticketmaster.
  • The lawsuit cites several accusations against Live Nation, including working with a venue management firm to steer clients into using Ticketmaster exclusively, snuffing out competition in the concert-promotion business, and signing long-term “exclusionary” deals with venues.

What they’re saying: Live Nation has issued a statement disputing the lawsuit’s allegations, saying that it ignores key factors that have made the live entertainment and ticket-buying experience worse for fans, artists, and venues.

  • The lawsuit is part of the Biden administration’s efforts to root out alleged monopolies, following antitrust actions initiated against Apple and several other firms.
  • Recently, over 250 artists signed a letter in support of the Fans First Act, a bill that aims to improve price transparency and consumer protections for fans.
  • Consumer advocacy groups have cheered the Justice Department’s lawsuit against Live Nation, hoping that it will lead to a meaningful impact that benefits fans, independent venues, and festivals across the country.
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