George Hostetter
624 posts
George Hostetter is The Sun’s Fresno Civic contributor – covering the City of Fresno, County of Fresno, and Fresno Council of Governments.
Improving pedestrian signals coming to Shaw, Herndon avenues
The Fresno City Council on Thursday will try again to improve pedestrian safety when it comes to crossing two of the city’s busiest streets.
November 13, 2019
Arias leads push for planning commissioners from each Fresno district
Fresno City Council Member Miguel Arias wants a guarantee that each council district is represented on the Planning Commission.
November 4, 2019
What’s driving Fresno’s most recognizable Catholic church to beef up security? Hate crimes.
In documents filed with the City of Fresno, church officials say St. John's Cathedral has been victimized by various types of crimes, including hate crimes.
October 30, 2019
Fresno Police auditor’s report underscores unique challenges ahead
The report deals with the challenges of funding police infrastructure in a world where technology and public expectations are constantly changing.
October 28, 2019
Fresno points to new Fulton Street being paved with early successes
City Hall has proof that the reopening Fulton Corridor to vehicular traffic has been a success both to business and the community’s quality of life.
October 25, 2019
Fresno looks to help small businesses navigate ADA headaches
The city is looking to extend a program known as “Accessible Fresno Small Business Initiative,” which provides free ADA inspections to small businesses.
October 21, 2019
Fare jumpers on Fresno’s Bus Rapid Transit system are everywhere. What’s the fix?
Despite roughly 30 percent of bus rapid transit riders not paying their fare to ride the bus, the City of Fresno seems pretty unconcerned. Why?
October 20, 2019
Clovis partners with Flood Control District to help recharge aquifer
The City of Clovis is working with Fresno's Metropolitan Flood Control District to obtain and execute a federal grant to boost water security for the city.
October 6, 2019
Fresno Housing Authority looks for $400k loan for Chinatown housing project
The City of Fresno may loan nearly $400,000 of its federal HOME funds to an affordable housing project proposed for Chinatown.
October 3, 2019
Economic hub on the horizon, Fresno eyes revitalizing southwest Fresno
Fresno sees fortune in its "Reverse Triangle." Before it can boom, the City is looking to approve a plan to revitalize properties along Elm Avenue.
October 1, 2019