George Hostetter
624 posts
George Hostetter is The Sun’s Fresno Civic contributor – covering the City of Fresno, County of Fresno, and Fresno Council of Governments.
Mayor Brand Pulls Parks & Public Safety Measure
Fresno Mayor Lee Brand announced his withdrawal of parks and police ballot measure because he lacked 5 city council members support.
June 28, 2018
Public Safety Tax Does Not Have the Votes, Mayor Still Has an Option
Fresno City Council may not support Mayor Brand’s public safety tax and could negotiate with parks tax leaders to get necessary funds for police and fire.
June 27, 2018
1/2 Cent Public Safety-Parks Sales Tax Headed to City Council Thursday
Let’s put first things first in the suddenly crazy world of Fresno City Hall tax hikes: Keep an…
June 25, 2018
Infrastructure Was Key During Mayor Brand’s State of the City Address
Fresno State of City Address: Mayor Brand is moving forward keeping campaign promises and moving Fresno forward for years to come.
June 24, 2018
Demo the 1931 Herndon Substation Control Building, or Add It to Local Register of Historic Resources?
Historic preservation in a roundabout way is inspiring more transparency at Fresno City Hall. I’ll explain. The City…
June 23, 2018
Spend Fresno Taxpayer Money for Irrelevant Ballot Resolution in November?
Fresno Council President's ballot resolutions, all possibly irrelevant, to be voted on this Thursday and could head for vote in November general election.
June 19, 2018
President Trump Needs to Cut MORE Red Tape for Fresno
Fresno City Council approved extension of consulting firm's contract that assists the City with complying with federal requirements.
June 18, 2018
Fresno City Council Election Update & Democrat Mayor in 2024?
Fresno City Council District 3 primary race is still close and a strong Democrat City Council after the general election could result in a viable mayoral candidate in 2020 or 2024.
June 14, 2018
$213k "Misunderstanding" Between Fresno City Hall and SPCA: All You Need To Know
Minimum wage hikes in California are behind the additional $213,000 needed for SPCA to keep current service levels in the City of Fresno.
June 13, 2018
Parks, Police, Neighborhoods, and Animals ALL Need Money in the City of Fresno
Mayor Brand’s budget and election season brings parks initiative, public safety tax, neighborhood revitalization needs, and animal lovers needing more money and taxpayers could be the answer.
June 11, 2018