Proposed Porterville cardroom would be located above cannabis dispensary

State law prohibits gambling and cannabis sales on the same premises. But the proposed cardroom would be separate from the dispensary, despite being in the same building, leading the city to need guidance from the state.

A Porterville developer is looking to bring a cardroom to town in the same building where he is currently putting in a cannabis dispensary. 

However, putting a cardroom at the same location as a cannabis dispensary could go against state rules. 

The big picture: Developer Darin Garrett, the owner of Jake’s Roofings and Coatings, is currently developing Cannabis Express on Main St. in downtown Porterville. He has also applied to put in a cardroom on the second floor of the building. 

  • Porterville currently allows for three cardrooms in town with up to three tables each. With no cardrooms currently operating in the city, Garrett is asking for a permit for all nine tables. 
  • But getting a permit to even open up the cardroom will take extra effort and require a conversation with the state. 
  • State rules do not permit gambling at the same location of a cannabis dispensary. 
  • During Wednesday’s Project Review Committee Meeting to discuss the cardroom, city staff noted that the city needs clarification from the state because the dispensary and cardroom would be at the same location. 
  • Despite existing at the same location, both entities would be separate and have different entrances and exits. 

What we’re watching: City staff said during Wednesday’s meeting that the California Department of Cannabis Control will need to provide an interpretation saying the two could exist in the same building. 

  • With that interpretation in hand, the issue would then go in front of the city itself to make the decision on allowing the cardroom in the same building as the cannabis dispensary. 
  • State law also prohibits alcohol to be sold on site with cannabis. The proposed cardroom has plans for an in-house restaurant, also necessitating an interpretation from the state.
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