Democrats push for resolution confirming emergency abortions

The resolution came from a report that found over 100 women were denied emergency abortions.

Congressional Democrats have introduced a resolution emphasizing the requirement for U.S. emergency rooms to provide emergency abortions when a woman’s health or life is at risk, despite strict state abortion bans.

The resolution aims to address the issue highlighted by a report from The Associated Press, which revealed that over 100 pregnant women have been denied emergency abortions since 2022, sparking outrage among legislators.

Driving the news: The conflict arises from the Supreme Court’s overturning of the national right to abortion and the subsequent enactment of strict abortion bans by states, causing confusion and challenges for pregnant women seeking help in emergency rooms in states like Texas, Idaho, and Florida.

  • The Supreme Court’s recent actions have drawn attention to the debate on whether federal law extends to emergency abortions, with a temporary allowance for emergency abortions in Idaho amid disputes over state abortion restrictions.
  • Texas has taken legal action against the Biden administration over guidance requiring emergency rooms to conduct abortions in case of risks to a woman’s health or life, a case that could escalate to the Supreme Court.
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