Report: Crawdaddy’s up for sale to the right buyer

Crawdaddy’s owner Keith Korsgaden is looking to sell the restaurant to someone who wants to operate it the same way he has.

Crawdaddy’s in downtown Visalia is reportedly up for sale, but only to the right buyer. 

The Visalia Times Delta reported that the popular cajun restaurant will only be sold to someone who will keep the restaurant running as is. 

The backstory: Keith Korsgaden started Crawdaddy’s two decades ago, bringing a look into New Orleans to the Central Valley. 

  • Originally an empty lot, his brothers – Troy and Alan – partnered with him as the financier and general contractor, respectively. 

The big picture: Now at the age of 66, Korsgaden says it is time for him to let someone else step in and take charge of the restaurant. 

  • He still wants to remain involved in Crawdaddy’s, however, with a hand in planning the restaurant’s live entertainment. 
  • His brother Troy has placed the building Crawdaddy’s is located in on the market for $4.2 million, but Korsgaden has not made his ask for the restaurant public. 

What he’s saying: “If somebody came in and offered me $10 million to turn this into an ice cream parlor, I would not take it,” Korsgaden told the Times Delta. “I’m looking for somebody that wants to continue this amazing place.”

  • Korsgaden told the newspaper that he runs the restaurant all on his own since he does not have a family. 
  • And while his brother Troy plans to leave California after selling the building, Korsgaden said he wants to stay in Visalia. 
  • “I don’t want to go anywhere,” Korsgaden told the Times Delta. “I want to sell it to somebody that wants to keep me around. I never did Crawdaddy’s for the money. I want to be paid a nominal salary, but I’m not doing it for the money. I love Crawdaddy’s.” 
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