Poll: Trump leads Biden in five swing states

Biden’s only lead in swing states is Wisconsin, per an NYT/Siena Poll.

A fresh set of New York Times/Siena polls finds that former President Donald Trump leading President Joe Biden in a slate of swing states, as youth voter dissatisfaction with Biden swells.

Driving the news: The surveys show that former President Donald Trump leads President Biden among registered voters in five crucial battleground states: Michigan, Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, and Pennsylvania. However, Biden remains ahead in Wisconsin.


  • Among likely voters, Trump leads in five states, but Biden edges ahead in Michigan and trails narrowly in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.
  • The polls suggest widespread dissatisfaction with the state of the country and doubts about Biden’s ability to bring major improvements. Around 70% of voters believe that the political and economic systems need major changes or even need to be torn down entirely.
  • The dissatisfaction with the economy and the cost of living remains a significant issue for one-quarter of voters. Despite cooling inflation and stock market gains, over 50% still believe the economy is poor.
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