Republicans roll out package to cut fuel costs in special session

While Gavin Newsom is proposing a new mandate on oil refiners, Republicans have submitted several bills intended to deliver lower gas prices to consumers.

California Republicans are proposing a series of new laws to tackle the state’s high gas prices in an alternative effort to Gov. Gavin Newsom’s oil mandate. 

Republicans say their proposals would not only provide immediate relief at the pump, but they would have long-term effects as well. 

The backstory: Newsom called a special session of the Legislature to tackle gas price spikes. 

  • Specifically, Newsom is pushing for a mandate on oil refiners that would require them to maintain a minimum reserve of fuel on hand and all times, which he says would hedge against price spikes. 

The big picture: The Assembly Republican bill package is made up of seven proposals, including one already published by Asm. Tom Lackey (R–Palmdale) that would suspend the $0.60 gas tax for one year. 

  • Assembly Republican Leader James Gallagher (R–Yuba City) is proposing to exempt gas from California’s Cap-and-Trade program, which adds around $0.30 per gallon. His bill would also permit an earlier switch to winter-blend fuel to help reduce seasonal price spikes. 
  • Asm. Diane Dixon (R–Newport Beach) has authored a bill that would require the California Energy Commission to regularly update a public dashboard that would compare California’s gas prices to national averages. It would also include the impact of state taxes and regulations to provide the full picture of what drives up fuel prices. 
  • Asm. Joe Patterson (R–Rocklin) is proposing to block reforms to the Low Carbon Fuel Standard that could potentially increase gas prices by around $0.50 next year. 
  • Lackey has also authored three more bills as part of the package. One bill would provide drivers a $100 rebate to help offset the price of fuel. Another bill would fast-track oil drilling permit approvals to boost California’s oil production. His final bill would cut red tape to allow oil refiners to build new gas storage projects. 

What they’re saying: “Through six years in office, Gavin Newsom has completely failed to bring down the cost of gas and California drivers have paid the price,” Gallagher said. “This special session is just one more attempt by Newsom to distract from his role in driving up gas prices. While Democrats fall in line behind a scheme that Newsom’s own administration says could increase gas prices, Assembly Republicans have a common-sense plan to give drivers relief.”

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