George Hostetter
624 posts
George Hostetter is The Sun’s Fresno Civic contributor – covering the City of Fresno, County of Fresno, and Fresno Council of Governments.
New Police Auditor's first recommendation: buckle up arrestees
The first recommendation from Fresno’s new police auditor is a doozy: Mandatory seat belt protection for all suspects…
November 27, 2017
Sumpter tapped as new Assistant City Manager
Jane Sumpter is only a week away from becoming Fresno’s next assistant city manager. Sumpter currently is the…
November 21, 2017
Nelson Esparza's bid for City Council: an enigma wrapped in a proxy war
Campaign 2018 could turn Nelson Esparza into Fresno’s newest political hero. Or it could end up adding his…
November 17, 2017
Steady progress on parks yields Roeding plans, new PARCS director
“Steady progress” is the name of the game these days at Fresno’s Parks Department. Bur for how long?…
November 14, 2017
Ventura Broadcasting cancels Malos show "Connect with Me"
It looks like John Malos’ public affairs TV show “Connect with Me” is gone for good. “It’s not…
November 9, 2017
Recharge Fresno chugs ahead of schedule, with one large HSR-caused speed bump
The mightiest public works project in Fresno’s 132-year history is nearing a successful finish, with one significant blemish.
November 7, 2017
Fixing FAX service may boil down to two options
The reform of Fresno Area Express began Saturday with the public chewing on the city’s tired and troubled public transit system at Fresno City College.
November 6, 2017
Brandau pushing Brand administration for fast action on nixing farmland preservation regs
The 2035 general plan is returning to center stage at Fresno City Hall. We’re looking in the near…
November 2, 2017
Running on empty, City seeks public's view on FAX overhaul
City Hall is sounding out a new set of experts to improve Fresno’s public transportation system – the public.
November 1, 2017
Relocating SW Fresno Darling rendering plant may trigger legal showdown
Moving the Darling plant may require a lot more than a simple OK from City Hall. If anything is evident, it is that legal pitfalls abound.
October 30, 2017