North Fork Kings GSA green lights $1mil for cutting edge domestic well mitigation plan

A seven-figure investment to save domestic wells in the South Valley is a groundbreaking move, and the largest investment of its kind in the region.

The North Fork Kings Groundwater Sustainability Agency is allocating over $1 million in reserves towards implementing a mitigation plan to rescue drying domestic – or drinking water – wells.

The vote to commit a seven-figure investment, the largest in the region, came after the agency approved land-based assessments through a Proposition 218 election. 

The big picture: Following the Proposition 218 election hearing on Wednesday evening, the agency board approved a $6 per acre assessment for fiscal year 2024-2025 with 87 percent of support from landowners.

  • Funding will go towards the Well Mitigation Plan, which includes resources for staffing, administration and program implementation. 
  • The agency anticipates that it will increase the assessment rate each fiscal year until it reaches the approved maximum of $18 per acre in 2027. 

What they’re saying: “Securing funding was a first and critical step to ensure we support well owners who rely on groundwater for their household supply,” said North Fork Kings GSA General Manager Justin Mendes. “We will use the next few months to coordinate with the Subbasin on implementation, but having a dedicated revenue stream helps us coordinate with certainty.” 

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