Bredefeld, Bonakdar open large cash leads over foes

Campaign finance reports show two candidates for Fresno County Supervisor and Fresno City Council boasting large cash advantages heading into the thick of fall campaigning.

With just a few months to go before the November election, the latest fundraising reports are in for local candidates. 

Here’s a look at where local candidates stand for the fundraising period that covers the first half of 2024: 

Fresno County Board of Supervisors District 2 

  • Starting with $46,674.67 in January, Fresno County Supervisor Steve Brandau raised $68,324 by June. 
  • After spending $48,082.08, Brandau has $56,519.08 in the bank as he runs for reelection. 
  • But his opponent, Fresno City Councilman Garry Bredefeld, had a far more successful year with fundraising. 
  • Bredefeld received $175,055 in cash from January to June, adding to the $346,025.15 he started with. 
  • After spending over $120,000, Bredefeld has $410,995.28 in his war chest. 

Fresno County Board of Supervisors District 3 

  • Supervisor Sal Quintero raised over $43,000 to start the year, adding to the $80,975.01 he already had in the bank. 
  • Quintero spent $39,361.27 in the period and has $85,130.86 on hand. 
  • Fresno City Councilman Luis Chavez had a more successful period, bringing in over $71,000 in cash. 
  • But he only started with $1,560.61 in the bank, so after spending $25,200 he has $48,051.13 in his war chest. 

Fresno City Council District 6 

  • Roger Bonakdar raised $81,116.43 in the first half of 2024, adding to the $200,000 he already had in the bank. 
  • He spent nearly $32,000 in the period, leaving him with $250,017.45 as he tries to succeed Bredefeld on the city council. 
  • Nick Richardson took in over $17,000 in the period, adding to the $2,076.37 that he started with. 
  • Richardson spent nearly $6,000 and has $11,409.89 in the bank. 

Kings County Board of Supervisors District 5 

  • Robert Thayer raised $11,623.87 in the first six months of 2024, doubling the $5,800 in cash that he already had in the bank. 
  • He spent $7,600 in the period and has $13,758.98 left on hand. 
  • Adam Medeiros reported $6,500 in fundraising for the period. While he only spent $200 in the first half of the year, he reported an ending cash balance of $0 on his Form 460 report. 
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