The Next Mayor: What drives the road to City Hall

George Hostetter breaks down the lineup and critical components of the 2016 battle to become Mayor of Fresno.


The mayor of Fresno makes $130,000 a year. The position is supposed to be a full-time job.

That didn’t stop Autry from continuing to teach acting on the side. That didn’t stop Swearengin from running a long campaign in 2014 for the state controller’s office.

What limitations, if any, will Brand, Perea and Spees put on their outside activities if elected mayor?

This could be a delicate issue for Brand, who runs a successful property management company.

1 comment
  1. I have known Lee for years. He’s a stand up guy and the only one who has been in business and has run a successful business. He’s been an effective councilmen. With that said, I was unhappy that he supported a lawsuit against McCaffery Homes for building across the river in Madera County. What one person or company chooses to do in another county is none of the business of Fresno other than to figure out how to deal with the loss of revenue. Certainly not with a frivolous law suit. Henry Perea is a snake and a typical career politician. He has done nothing save live off of the tax payer. Time to permanently retire this loser from public life. H. Spees is a good guy and has good leadership skills. I am unsure of his business skills which will be needed in this race.

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