Developer asks Dyer to appeal northwest Fresno apartment complex project

The developer said in a letter to Dyer that the planning commission’s decision to reject the project was not based on any facts.

A week after Fresno’s Planning Commission rejected a proposed apartment complex for northwest Fresno, the developer is asking Mayor Jerry Dyer to appeal the decision to the Fresno City Council. 

Developer James Huelskamp of LandValue Management sent a letter to Dyer on Wednesday saying that the planning commission’s decision may violate state law. 


Flashback: Last week the planning commission shot down the proposal, which would have built 82 apartment units on the northeast corner of Herndon and Prospect Avenues. 

  • The complex would include buildings that are three and four stories tall, met all zoning requirements and was recommended by city staff. 
  • But a large number of people who live nearby showed up to voice their opposition to the project, which ultimately swayed the planning commission. 

Huelskamp’s response: Huelskamp said the rejection could violate the Housing Accountability Act. 

  • “Providing almost 100 new dwelling units, on an infill site, this proposed project is completely consistent with the goals set out by the Legislature,”Huelskamp wrote. “We are therefore concerned that the Planning Commission’s denial of this project, if allowed to stand, will constitute a violation of the HAA.”
  • Huelskamp also pushed back on concerns from the public about the traffic that would impact Tatarian Elementary School, arguing the apartments would not substantially impact the school. 
  • “No factual data was cited or presented by opponents to counter staff’s finding that traffic counts calculated do not rise to a level requiring further study,” Huelskamp wrote. 

What we’re watching: Only Dyer and City Councilman Mike Karbassi – who represents the area – are able to appeal the decision and bring it before the council. 

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