Error allowed 108 people to vote in wrong race in Kern County

An error by the Kern County Elections Office added extra votes to a very close race for a local school board position.

A small school district in Kern County will likely have to hold a special election for its board after the county had an error that resulted in over 100 people voting in the wrong area. 

Greenfield Union School District filed a lawsuit claiming that 108 people voted in the wrong area, affecting Area C. 

The big picture: Trustee Ricardo Herrera lost to Marcy Pena by eight votes in the November election. 

  • The Kern County Board of Supervisors certified the election results, but the school district claims that the county made a mistake and allowed 108 people to cast a vote in the Area C race. 
  • The county said the mistake was due to a mapping error. The Board of Supervisors directed county staff to work with the school district toward getting a court ordered special election. 

What they’re saying: California Secretary of State Shirley Weber weighed in on the issue, telling KGET that a court ordered special election is the only way forward. 

  • “An error such as this occurs, we can’t just start making new ballots, those things have to be verified, have to be checked, and if there are inadequacies and inaccuracies then we will do what’s necessary,” Weber told the station. “The courts will mandate, we do what’s necessary.”
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