Fresno County has an election that is all tied up.
Wes Harmon and Frank Zonneveld both have 101 votes in the race for the Laguna Irrigation Board for Division 2.
Driving the news: Laguna Irrigation District is a small water district that covers around 53,300 acres in Fresno and Kings Counties.
- Zonneveld currently serves as the board president and was challenged by Harmon, a local well driller.
The big picture: Fresno County certified its election results on Tuesday night, showing that Harmon and Zonneveld are tied.
- Fresno County Elections Clerk and Registrar of Voters James Kus told The Sun that the county has not had an election end in a tie in 25 years.
What we’re watching: The first step to deal with the tie is to see if a recount is requested in the race, which must happen by Dec. 8 at 5 p.m., per the election code.
- If a recount is requested, Fresno County has one week to prepare an official estimate of costs and start the recount. Kus told The Sun that the county would be able to complete the recount in one day. He also said he does not anticipate that the results would change because he is confident in the county’s vote counting system.
- If a potential recall takes place and the results remain the same, or if a recall is not requested, the Laguna Irrigation District board will take up the matter at its next regularly scheduled meeting on Jan. 14.
- The district told The Sun that it is contacting an elections attorney to advise the board on possible pathways to break the tie, which could include a coin toss, drawing lots or calling for a runoff election.