Fresno Police Chief Balderrama placed on paid leave pending investigation into affair with officer’s wife

City Manager broke the news to police officers in an email on Wednesday.

Fresno Police Chief Paco Balderrama will be placed on paid administrative leave, the City of Fresno announced Wednesday afternoon. 

Deputy Chief Mindy Casto will take over operational control of the Police Department while Balderrama is on leave. 

The big picture: Fresno City Manager Georgeanne White told the police department in an email on Wednesday afternoon that Balderrama will be placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of an investigation into an inappropriate relationship that he allegedly had. 

  • The Sun reported earlier this week that Balderrama conducted a two-plus year affair with the wife of a police officer. 
  • White said the city made the decision in the best interest of all parties involved in light of the intense public scrutiny surrounding the investigation. 

Yeah, but… Balderrama isn’t going on leave immediately. His leave, reportedly, will begin on Friday.

  • City sources told The Sun that Balderrama was previously committed to attend and speak at the Flock Forward 2024 conference in Atlanta and will still attend, with his leave commencing after the conference concludes.
  • Balderrama is scheduled to address national law enforcement leaders Friday morning on the department’s embrace of license plate readers in pursuit of a 100 percent homicide case clearance rate.
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