Congress reaches deal for partial funding bill

Congressional leaders plan to pass a stopgap measure to avoid a partial government shutdown.

Lawmakers announced Wednesday that they have agreed to a deal to avoid a partial government shutdown on Friday. 

The stopgap bill gives Congress time after returning from a two-week recess to fund a permanent deal. 

Driving the news: House Speaker Mike Johnson and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said in a joint statement that they reached a deal on six bills to fund federal agencies, including the departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Energy, Interior, Justice, Transportation and Veterans Affairs. 

  • The six funding bills will be voted on prior to March 8, Congressional leaders said. 
  • They plan to vote on the remaining six funding bills – Defense, Financial Services and General Government, Homeland Security, Labor-HHS, Legislative Branch and State and Foreign Operations – by March 22. 
  • The House will pass short term funding bills to take the government through the March 8 and March 22 deadlines. 
  • Negotiators met with President Joe Biden on Tuesday to discuss funding bills as well as foreign aid to Ukraine and other nations. 

What they’re saying: “We are in agreement that Congress must work in a bipartisan manner to fund our government,” Johnson and Schumer said.

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