House votes to avert shutdown, OKs 45-day funding for government

An overwhelming majority of the House voted approve stopgap funding for the Federal government on Saturday.

The House of Representatives overwhelmingly voted to approve a clean 45-day funding bill to avert a government shutdown on Saturday, mere hours ahead of the funding deadline.

The bill includes funding for disaster relief, but does not contain any sweeping border policy changes or funding for Ukraine.

How they voted: The 45-day continuing resolution received sweeping approval from the San Joaquin Valley delegation as part of the 335-91-7 vote.

  • Rep. Josh Harder (D–Turlock) – YEA
  • Rep. John Duarte (R–Modesto) – YEA
  • Rep. Jim Costa (D–Fresno) – YEA
  • Rep. David Valadao (R–Hanford) – YEA
  • Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R–Bakersfield) – YEA

What they’re saying: McCarthy noted that keeping key government functions running was critical beyond the demands of hardline Republicans or the narrow House Democratic minority.

  • “We will put a clean funding stopgap on the floor to keep government open for 45 days for the House and Senate to get their work done,” McCarthy told reporters after a GOP conference meeting. “We will also, knowing what had transpired through the summer, the disasters in Florida, the horrendous fire in Hawaii, and also the disasters in California and Vermont. We will put the supplemental portion that the president asked for in disaster there too.”
  • Valadao noted that voters have become exhausted by last-minute brinkmanship with government operations in the crossfire.
  • “Like many of you, I’m frustrated by the political brinksmanship that pushed us right up against the deadline to fund the government,” Valadao said in a statement. “Compromise is necessary to get anything done in a divided government, and from the beginning I have stressed the need to work across the aisle to pass something that could get support in a Republican-controlled House and a Democratic-controlled Senate. Today I voted in support of a bipartisan, short-term Continuing Resolution to keep the government open while we continue our work to pass fiscally responsible government funding bills. I will continue working to rein in wasteful Washington spending so we do not burden our future generations with trillions of dollars in debt.”
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