Speed bumps set to return to Fresno after 16-year hiatus

Fresno lawmakers banned new speed bumps in 2006 over environmental concerns. They made a re-emergence late last year in a pilot program.

A few months after authorizing a pilot program to bring new speed bumps back to Fresno, the rest of the city is set to have access to them. 

The Fresno City Council is scheduled to vote on a resolution Thursday that would bring back a residential speed bump policy for the first time in 16 years. 

In 2006, the council banned new speed bumps because of environmental concerns. 

But last October, the council rescinded the ban and jumpstarted a pilot program in District 3 to bring back the process of implementing new speed bumps. 

The first speed bumps were installed on Dec. 2, 2021, on Bremer Ave. between College Ave. and Poplar Ave. 

As the council directed when it approved the pilot program, city staff is bringing the ordinance in front of the council for the city-wide program. 

Fresno residents who would like to have speed bumps installed on their streets can submit an application to the district, along with a petition signed by 75 percent of the addresses on the block. 

Residents can also request to have a speed bump removed with the support of 60 percent of addresses on the block.

The council can allocate funding for speed bumps when approving a budget each year. 

City funded speed bumps will be implemented by a ranking system based on the following factors: 

  • History of speeding complaints
  • The 85th percentile speed shall be more than 10 miles-per-hour over the speed limit
  • Daily volume should be greater than 500 vehicles per day but no more than 1,000
  • Collisions involving speed will be considered
  • Lighting levels along the street will be considered
  • Evaluation for other traffic calming options
  • Fire Department, Police Department, FAX and Council District representative approval of the installation
  • The number of residences fronting along a block

Residents can also offer to privately fund the new speed bumps, which would allow applications to bypass the ranking system.

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