Valley unemployment drops across-the-board in September

Valley unemployment rates in September were down across all counties, California’s employment department announced in updated figures on Friday.

Valley unemployment rates in September are trending down across all counties, California’s employment department announced in preliminary figures on Friday.

The Golden State’s unemployment rate sits at 4 percent, according to the California Employment Development Department. The figure is a drop of one-tenth of one percent from September 2018.

San Joaquin Valley counties reported sharp drops in unemployment. The sharpest drop occurred in Fresno County – with more than a half percent cut in the jobless rate – led by 3,500 jobs filled in the public sector.

Meanwhile, the highest jobless rate in the Valley belongs to Tulare County, which sits at a stubborn 7.6 percent for September.

Take a look at each county’s unemployment numbers:

CountyAugust 2019 RateSeptember 2019 RateMonth-to-Month % change% change from 2018
Merced7.15.5– 1.6– 0.5
Madera6.45.0– 1.4– 0.3
Fresno6.55.3– 1.2– 0.6
Tulare9.2 7.6– 1.6– 0.4
Kings6.95.7– 1.2– 0.2
Kern7.36.0– 1.6– 0.5
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