Fresno Police union: Balderrama’s leave “in best interest” of officers, city

The police union cited a growing chasm of trust among officers after elements of the affair allegations were announced against Chief Paco Balderrama

The Fresno Police Officers Association applauded the city’s decision to place Police Chief Paco Balderrama on paid administrative leave. 

The FPOA Board of Directors sent out a statement after holding an executive session meeting on Wednesday saying the decision restores stability to the department. 

Flashback: City Manager Georgeanne White told the police department on Wednesday afternoon that Balderrama will be placed on paid leave pending the outcome of an investigation into an inappropriate relationship. 

  • That relationship was allegedly with an officer’s wife for over two years, The Sun reported earlier this week. 

The big picture: While Wednesday’s FPOA meeting was confidential because it was held in executive session, the board released a statement after praising the decision to place Balderrama on leave. 

  • “The FPOA Board of Directors agrees with the City that placing Chief Balderrama on paid administrative leave, pending the conclusion of their investigation, is in the best interest of all parties involved,” the board said in a statement. 
  • “We believe this will restore stability to our Department after a period of great turmoil,” the statement continued.
  • The board asked its member officers to remain patient as the city continues to conduct its investigation into Balderrama. 
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